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    is Gerry Ilagan's blog about survival and life experiences. Focuses on AI, Home Automation, Internet of Things (IoT), DIY projects.

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    IoT & AI

    Make everyday things around you smarter to have an easier, more productive life by leveraging on AI to run IoT, home automation devices.

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    Home Automation technology has advanced to a point that it can now economically assist us in doing everyday tasks in our homes.

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    Do-it-yourself projects in artificial intelligence, home automation, IoT and software to help you in managing your everyday needs.

In IoT projects, I can actually use an INA219 connected to Home Assistant via ESP32 to save data for later analysis. I calculate how much a battery can last for the home assistant connected device I'm trying to make. Super cool, I don't have to buy expensive instruments! Checkout this youtube short video -

3D Printed Workbench Organizer

When you have a small workbench area where you have to do all your electronic stuff (and pretty much most of the DIY stuff on my mind), being able to organize the space is essential. Starting with an idea to how to organize the things I use and making it a reality is so cool […] Read more

Helping Hands are great but…

When you’re dealing with electronics, helping hands is a very handy tool. I’ve had mine for decades now and it’s crying to be replaced but I’ve decided to give some more life to what I have for a simple reason that I’d like to make some modifications to it and see what comes out of […] Read more

Made an AC meter for DIY Projects

Introduction Starting of with a DIY project that is will be very useful in electronic projects that I will be making on here on I used the PZEM-022 AC meter module on this build to keep it simple. I’ve use Peacefair’s products in other electronic projects and I’ve found them satisfactory for an electronic […] Read more